Debt Free Millionaire Coaching


$297 | INCLUDED in SMART Wealth University $47/mo tuition

Imagine being COMPLETELY debt-free!


Take a moment and add up all your credit card payments, car payments, student loan payments, EVEN YOUR HOUSE PAYMENTS! How many thousands of dollars are you wasting every month on debt payments? For most Americans, it's $2,000 - $3,000 or more every month.


When you think about how much of your income debt payments are eating up, it's enough to make you ill. It probably does, if you let yourself think about it.


Until now, you probably thought that using debt was the only way you could have the life you deserve.


Now, The Truth!


You CAN have the life you deserve WITHOUT debt — and I want to prove it to you...


Discover how you can eliminate ALL OF YOUR DEBT, save THOUSANDS of dollars in interest payments, create GREAT CREDIT, and get on the path to accumulating REAL WEALTH, with The DebtFree Millionaire™ Coaching System.

Anthony Manganiello is the author of:

  • Debt Free Academy™
  • The Debt-Free Millionaire™
  • The Credit Solution
  • Great Credit for Life
  • The Cash-Flow Analysis™ online debt-elimination/payment management system
  • He's been a personal finance educator and adviser since the early ’90s
  • He began working with John Cummuta in the mid ’90s
  • He is a 3-time Inc 500 Marketing Manager
  • He has appeared on the 700 Club

For over 2 decades, our books, audio and software programs have helped millions of people learn how to become completely debt free, create great credit, and get on the path to building real wealth.


The DebtFree Millionaire Coaching System is the accumulated wisdom, success, and proven processes of more than a quarter century of our work — and you can have instant access.


With the the coaching sessions in this exclusive system, you'll discover how quickly you can become debt — and payment free — and liberate yourself from the tens of thousands of dollars a year in interest payments you're making right now!

Here's What You'll Get!

Module 1

Myth Busters 


In this session you'll discover how 6 of the most popular money perspectives and strategies have seduced you into a lifetime of payments.


These include:

  • The Millionaire Myth
  • The Good Debt Myth
  • The Pay Yourself First Myth
  • The Budgeting Myth
  • The College Funding Myth
  • The More Money Myth

Module 2

Understanding Debt & Credit


Debt and credit are totally misunderstood financial topics. 


And it's this misunderstanding that has you slaving away to make monthly payments, and chasing some 3-digit FICO score like it's the Holy Grail. 


When you're done with this session, you'll have an accurate understanding of these two money topics.

Module 3

Cash-Flow Analysis


Cash flow isn't just a business term. It's a concept you need to understand, so you can plan to use the income from your job or career to eventually replace the income from your job or career. 


During a research and development project that spanned nearly a decade, we interviewed nearly 20,000 households. That research was the genesis of the Cash-Flow™ Analysis - or CFA. 


Your CFA will reveal THE MOST IMPORTANT part of your journey towards wealth accumulation.

Module 4

Becoming Debt Free


Becoming completely debt free IS POSSIBLE! In this session, you'll discover exactly how to achieve it.  


You'll calculate your debt freedom timeline. 


You'll know how long it will take you to liberate yourself from the thousands, tens of thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands of dollars in yearly debt payments you're making right now.

Module 5

Wealth Accumulation


During this session, you'll discover your true wealth potential.  


Prepare to glimpse into the future, as you learn how to plan for a retirement that will afford you a lifestyle you truly deserve.

Module 7



Prepare to add some fuel to your wealth accumulation fire! 


This session is the most important of all, because once you've discovered that true financial freedom really is at your fingertips, debt and payment stress will begin to melt away. 


And that's the perfect time to think about more important things, like the legacy you have the opportunity to leave behind.

Module 6

Creating a Wealth Accumulation Mentality


Ever wonder why you haven't accumulated any wealth yet? 


In this session, you'll learn why the process of accumulating anything is a result of how you've been conditioned. Right now - you've been conditioned to accumulate debt and payments. 


But the sun will set on that conditioning as you learn how to recondition yourself by creating a wealth accumulation mentality.

Scott S.:


"I just wanted to give you a big thank you for your program. I just bought my wife her Christmas presents. 


I had set for myself what had seemed an impossible goal when I got your program: Be credit card debt free and cash based so that I could pay for Christmas without using credit. 


All debts with the exception of Mortgage and Home Equity loan paid off to zero. Mission Accomplished! "

Act NOW and get these 2 Powerful Bonus Lessons and Tools

Bonus 1

Debt-FREE Millionaire Audios


The Debt-FREE Millionaire Audio Sessions include Tony's personal review of all the content you'll learn during your Debt-Free Millionaire Coaching time. 


Nearly 2 hours of additional insight.

Bonus 2

Debt-FREE Millionaire Seminar 


The 5-Part Debt-FREE Millionaire Seminar and Seminar Manual will add even more depth to what you'll be discovering during your DebtFree Millionaire 7-Session Coaching System.

  • An audio file for each session

    You can download and play it on your smartphone or MP3 player.

  • A transcript of each session

    Like have a course textbook.

  • Downloadable worksheets

    Exercises to reinforce what you're learning in each session.

Get the Debt Free Millionaire Coaching System, and everything else in the SMART Wealth University for just $47/mo

No Worries... We have you covered!

We will do everything we can to help you succeed in creating true financial independence.

Study at your own pace.
Trainings on video and audio

View or listen on any device at any time.

Downloadable workbooks, checklists, and other resources

You'll have the important tools for success available to you 24/7/365.

Monthly Tuition
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If you don't find this course to be everything we say it is, just send us an email and we'll stop charging tuition.

And you will have permanent access to all revised versions as we implement improvements.

Copyright 2017 SMARTEST Wealth Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.